"Welcome to Japan, folks. The local time is . . . tomorrow."
- from 30 Minutes Over Tokyo, The Simpsons, Season 10

Friday, March 21, 2008


This is how my week went. These are cross-posted from the writing chatter section of the Den of Shadows message board.


So while I'm having some difficulties with Kitsune, I've been talking to my husband about working on a collaboration. Which of course for the one we really want to do (or more specifically the one I really want to work on), we need to know a lot more about Shinto than what we know, so that one's kind of on the back burner again.

But one that's a lot more feasible for us to work on features Rosaline DeLiney, Paranormal Investigator (she even has a badge), and Tommy Thompson, the guy in Witness Protection who makes the mistake of answering Rosaline's Help Wanted Ad that was written in the form of a Personal Ad. Now poor Tommy has to suffer through Rosaline's paranormal investigations that should only exist in really, really bad B-rate horror movies. (You know the ones that are so bad they shouldn't even exist so people like me who find watching said films quite enjoyable, even if they are just as painful, don't buy them.) Their first adventure is titled Tank Riding Zombies.

Hopefully the last of my rewrites will be done tomorrow so I can send the first three chapters of Kitsune to my friend to read. And then I should get to work on the synopsis.

Only my brain is shouting, "But . . . But . . . Tank riding zombies!!!!"


That sounds like two of my characters. Where they hate each other (mainly because he tried to kill her and she retaliated), but they are drawn to each other on a level that neither of them understands or even *wants* to.

But I sort of got over writing sex scenes when I wrote a scene between these two characters detailing their issues of not knowing whether they're going to try killing each other or having sex. And when I turned it in for the class, everyone (except for me and my husband), even the teacher, thought they were having sex. One girl even said it was the hottest sex scene she had ever read.

And my only comment was, "But . . . they're not even having sex."

* * *

So I've gone from wanting to write something funny, which mostly means I'll probably participate in Script Frenzy this year so I can finally write the Standard Issue Vampire script.

To finally finishing the first scene between Kitsu and Kaitou in my novel. I'm really excited about how I redid the scene, since it makes the characters seem so much more alive, and it gets right to the heart of their issues.

Now all I have left to do is rewrite the fight scene between Sasori and Garnet, and I'll finally be ready to send it to my friend to read. (Even though I meant to send it to her Saturday or Sunday at the latest, but now she'll get it Tuesday or Wednesday. I just hope she doesn't take too long to read it.)


yttar wrote:
"To finally finishing the first scene between Kitsu and Kaitou in my novel. I'm really excited about how I redid the scene, since it makes the characters seem so much more alive, and it gets right to the heart of their issues.

"Now all I have left to do is rewrite the fight scene between Sasori and Garnet, and I'll finally be ready to send it to my friend to read. (Even though I meant to send it to her Saturday or Sunday at the latest, but now she'll get it Tuesday or Wednesday. I just hope she doesn't take too long to read it.)"

Yeah, it's like, what, five days later, and I still have to rewrite the fight scene between Sasori and Garnet.

But hey, at least everything else in chapters 1 - 3 looks good, and I've added in a few extra details to show more of the characters and the world in which they live. I just can't seem to get around to writing that fight scene. It doesn't help that I spend hours playing solitaire trying to win one stupid game.

Today's a holiday here in Japan (yes, they consider the Vernal/Spring Equinox a holiday), so I get to spend the day with my husband, which will hopefully allow me to finally write that fight scene.

* * *

I used to find ninth grade physical science class to be the perfect time to write. It helped that I had two friends who sat near me so they could keep me informed about what was actually going on in class. Though one time I wasn't so smart on the uptake, and ended up embarrassing myself. Once the problem was fixed, I just went back to writing and ignored everybody else.

Though I thought that if I were to ever get that book published (which is unlikely since parts of it are missing - as in lost for good), I always planned on writing an author's acknowledgement (or whatever it's called) that went along the lines of "I'd like to think my ninth grade physical science teacher for not getting to mad when I spent more time in his class writing than paying attention to science. I sort of regret it now, especially that I love writing science fiction and really wish I had a better understanding of physics." Only it would sound a lot better than that.


I finally finished revising my first three chapters and sent them on to my friend. Now I'm impatiently waiting her feedback.

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